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custody ['kʌstədɪ] n
gen. straža; zaštita; briga; čuvanje; nadzor; zatvor; pritvor
econ. čuvanje hartija od vrednosti i upravljanje njima u ime trećih lica
law deponovanje; istražni zatvor; mera zadržavanja; nadgledanje; staranje; tutorstvo; ustanova za smeštaj lica sa posebnim potrebama; zarobljeništvo; zatvor (lat. custodia)
NGO starateljstvo
depo-poslovi custody ['kʌstədɪ] n
econ. čuvanje
 English thesaurus
custody ['kʌstədɪ] n
law legal right and responsibility for raising a child; When someone is under the physical control of the court to make sure they go to court when they're supposed to; when the judge sends a person to jail after they are found guilty of a crime; the care and control of children
mil., abbr. cust
USA The responsibility for the control of, transfer and movement of, access to, and maintenance of accountability for weapons and components; Temporary restraint of a person; The detention of a person by lawful authority or process (JP 3-63)
: 309 phrases in 6 subjects
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